DIHSAN has worked diligently with luxury designer brands and authorized parties to build solid and lasting relationships, allowing us the honor of offering our valued customers coveted designer goods at discounted prices. We take great pride at DIHSAN in providing products that combine remarkable design with impeccable manufacturing techniques. We acknowledge the high standards you expect from us and are resolute in our ability to deliver in such a manner and earn your trust.
All of our footwear will arrive to you in their original branded boxes, along with branded duster bags for protection and care. Our handbags will arrive to you with their original branded duster bags with authentication cards for validity. Accessories are generally packaged uniquely based on the brand and accessory type, however, there will be at least one form of branding either by an original box, dust bag, or label. Clothing items will always have their original branded labels, and many designers are offering QR codes on their tags that can be validated by tapping the NFC tag with your phone.
Please be advised that, at this time, we are not associated with any other third party merchants and any claims stating that products are being sold by DIHSAN outside of our website should not be regarded as true or with any validity. We proudly stand behind all products that are available online at www.dihsan.com and strive to create a safe, secure, and trusted shopping experience. We would be happy to assist with any questions you may have by contacting us by email at support@dihsan.com or messaging us on WhatsApp Messenger by clicking here.
We genuinely thank you for choosing DIHSAN for all your fashion needs.